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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Free Apk | Android |Preset camera v1.3

Preset camera v1.3 ∞ : Android 2.1 or higher ∞ Overview: Make preset bee! Shoot in connuous! ∞ Summary: ∞ You can preset setngs ab picture. Frames,filters, name of folders, name of files. ∞ ∞ [break] ∞ After you preset setngs,pictures you take will be reflected to setng. ∞ T lication is very convenience when you take a picture in connuous, or take a picture of fixed location or object. ∞ You have no stress to edit pictures because setngs reflect to all pictures you take aomatily. ∞ Feature: ∞ 1.You can preset setngs pictures bee you take pictures. ∞ ( folder name / file name / frames filters) ∞ 2. setngs reflect to pictures aomatily. ∞ 3.You can store files into dropbox/Evernote. ∞ 4.You can replace pictures of specific setngs to anor setngs on one comm. ∞ 5.T lication also stores backup of original files. ∞ 6.You can set widget start up on setngs you like. ∞ 7.On setngs,You can choose many various filters mak picture up. ∞ 8. many various picture frames will be wait you. ∞ 9.Also, prepared many stamps which accepts to be write in. ∞ Notes: ∞ T lication is free version. So you have some restrictions below. ∞ 1.You can make two presets. ∞ 2.You can not store files into dropbox/Evernote. ∞ 3.You can not remove adversement. ∞ 4.You can not receive users support. ∞ If you buy paid version license key,you can remove se restrictions. ∞ some frames filters is not accepted to use unless you buy additional paid item. ∞ When you confirm on-line manual, push "menu" bton next, push "Help" bton on preset setng screen. ∞ Supported OS: ∞ Android 2.1/2.2/2.3 ∞ Models Tested: ∞ Xperia arcSO-01C ∞ IS04 ∞ Optimus bright L-07C ∞ docomo with series P-07C ∞ docomo with series P-02D ∞ Xperia SO-01B ∞ Xperia ray SO-03C ∞ HTC Desire HD SoftBank 001HT ∞ IS03 ∞ Galaxy Tab SC-01C ∞ MEDIAS N-04C ∞ Streak 001DL ∞ Galaxy S2 ∞ AQUOS PHONE IS-11SH ∞ AQUOS PHONE IS-14SH ∞ AQUOS PHONE SH-12C ∞ REGZA Tablet AT300/24C ∞ MEDIAS BR IS11N ∞ ELECOM s b Site: ∞ http://.elecom.co.jp/ ∞ Twitter ∞ http://twitter.com/schedulest_jp (JP) ∞ http://twitter.com/ELECOM_s (English) ∞ Facebook ∞ http://www.facebook.com/ELECOM.lications.jp (JP) ∞ http://www.facebook.com/ELECOM.lications (English) ∞ /> ∞ ∞

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