Transparent clock & ar v0.39 ∞
: Android 1.6 or higher ∞
Overview: Transparent clock & world ar is a full featured, totally customizable digital clock ar ecast lication widget. It comes in 3 sizes, 4x1, 4x2 5x2 is easy to setup customize. ∞

∞ [break] ∞ widget features follow: ∞ - 3 widget sizes; 4x1, 4x2 5x2 ( Galaxy Note or tablets) ∞ - Several widget skins to choose from (more skins to come) ∞ - 4 ar icon skins ∞ - Different fonts time ∞ - Aomatic location (from cell/wifi or GPS) or fixed/manual ∞ - ar conditions temperature current location ∞ - Detailed ar ecast display that includes follow: ∞ - Location lo time ∞ - Sunrise sunset time current location ∞ - Humidity wind conditions ∞ - Current condition, temperature low high temperatures ∞ - Current condition icon ∞ - Last ar update time ∞ - 4 ar ecast ∞ - Background accord to ar condition /night ∞ - Optional display of current moon phase ∞ - World ar: Choose to display ar inmation any number of different locations worldwide ∞ - 8 widget hotspots (most of m can be user defined to launch specific lications) ∞ - Display available phone ad SD card memory, WiFi or 3G state ∞ widget can be fully customized with follow options: ∞ - Choose widget ar icon skins ∞ - Choose color any item on widget ∞ - Choose time font ∞ - Display 12 or 24 hour time with optional AM/PM indicator ∞ - Select date display mat ∞ - Display a manually selected location's time instead of phone's time ∞ - Optionally show or hide specific elements of widget (hi/lo, battery, status line) ∞ - Use current location to display ar info or specify any location you want ∞ - Get location updates from network (cell/WiFi) or GPS ∞ - Celsius or Fahrenheit ∞ - Kilometers or Miles per hour ∞ - Optionally display next alarm ∞ - Optionally display ek number ∞ - Select aomatic ar refresh period (15 mines, 30 mines, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 8 hours) ∞ - Unlimited number of world locations ∞ Note that 4x1 widget does not show date, next alarm or stem inmation. ∞ Please exclude widget from task killers. ∞ Please report any problems, suggestions or requests via e-mail at ∞ Recent changes: ∞ - [fix] Fixed bug in refresh all locations ∞ - [fix] Minor bug fixes ∞ - [new] ce refresh ar on manual update ∞
/> ∞ ∞ ∞ Download Instructions: ∞ ∞