Enigma Signal Meter - tFinder v0.019 ∞
: Android 2.1+ ∞
Overview: Align tellite dish to perfection, ZAP, take screenshots watch streams ∞

∞ Align tellite dish to perfection, ZAP, take screenshots watch streams ∞ Use phone or tablet to align tellite dish by read signal levels from Enigma 1 or Enigma2 tellite receiver. ∞ YOU WILL NEED TELLITE RECEIVER WITH ENIGMA 1 OR ENIGMA 2 SOFTWARE TO USE T SOFTWARE. ∞ SUPPORTS ALL currently exist Enigma1 Enigma2 receivers images, has me interface both versions works remotely (just ward b port you can connect from anywhere). Additionally it allows you to ZAP channels, take screenshots watch live TV streams directly on device. tFinder Dreambox, VU+ many ors. ∞ STREAM: ∞ - make sure you have video player with RTSP stream support (VPlayer or Daroon player) ∞ - user internal IP address (192.168...) instead of public IP/hostname to avoid problems with r port ward. Once you're sure i work loly you have UPLOAD speed of more than 5-6 MBit/s try to ward TCP ports 80, 8001 31339. ∞ Tested work on t receivers: ∞ - Dreambox DM500 ∞ - Dreambox DM500HD ∞ - Dreambox DM600 ∞ - Dreambox DM7000 ∞ - Dreambox DM7020 ∞ - Dreambox DM7025 ∞ - Dreambox DM800 ∞ - Dreambox DM800SE ∞ - Dreambox DM8000 ∞ - VU+ Uno ∞ - VU+ Duo ∞ - AzBox Premium ∞ - AzBox HD Elite ∞ - AzBox Ultra HD ∞ - Kathrein UFS 910 ∞ - IPBox 9000 ∞ - Amiko Alien ∞ - Topfield TF 7700HD PVR ∞ - Gigablue solo ∞ - ClarkeTech ET9000 ∞ - ClarkeTech Xtrend ET5000 ∞ DOWNLOAD ∞